My strengths were almost the same they always are. I did all the vodcasts and other assignments and turned them on time. I paid attention in class and during labs, while also doing parts of the lab. I also believe that I have my topic for my 20 time project. A weakness I have is probably procrastinating because sometimes I do the vodcasts the day before they are due. Also, I left the textbooks until near the due date. I also think that I can have better lab skills because during the pGLO lab, I reused a pipette when the procedure said to get a new one after each time you use it.
Successful transformation of E. coli with pGLO plasmid! #biology #gofalconpower
— Mr. Orre's Class (@OrreBiology) January 27, 2017The 3 labs we did were the electrophoresis virtual lab, the candy electrophoresis lab, and the pGLO lab. The virtual lab was going through the steps of electrophoresis and using it on DNA (all virtually). First, you extract DNA and then load it into a gel. At one end is a negative charge and at the other end is a positive charge. DNA will move towards the positive charge because it is negatively charged. If a strand is long, it will move slower and therefore, faster, and smaller strands will move quicker therefore longer. Then, you can measure the length of the DNA in bp (base pairs). The candy electrophoresis lab was actually electrophoresing different dyes of different candies to see how long each of their DNA strands are. The pGLO lab was using bacterial transformation. Using a plasmid called pGLO (some with DNA and some with no DNA), we had to combine the plasmid with arabinose, ampicillin, and GFP (glowing fluorescent protein). Then, we had to freeze and heat shock the bacteria so that it would pick up the plasmid. On three different plates, we tried to grow the bacteria. If it picked up the plasmid, the bacteria grew. Adding arabinose caused one of the bacteria to glow (an expected result). As always, I got better at doing the labs and following the procedure while also reinforcing the concepts that I had learned in the vodcasts, like gel electrophoresis and bacterial transformation.
I have no questions that I want to have answered. I want to learn more about genetically modified organisms. Also, bioethics is interesting to discuss because there can be so many different views on one topic or question, and it is always important to hear everyone's ideas to make an informed decision for yourself. My SMART goals were to study in different ways for tests and participate more in class. I think that I have partly acheived my second goal because I have talked more in small dicussion groups, like the Biotech World Cafe. I have not made progress on the first goal. So, my next steps are to raise my hand more during class and make some changes to my studying technique.